Monday, January 16, 2017


But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came (John 20:24). One of the good habits you should inculcate this year is punctuality to the House of God. It's not good for you to go to church or other important meetings at your own leisure; you have to practise punctuality consciously.
The scripture you just read is very touching because it actually describes why many Christians miss what God has in store for them: Not being at the right place "at the right time. Whenever there is an appointment with the Lord, you can be sure He'll be there on time. The Lord Jesus made an appointment with His disciples for a specific time, at a specific place where He would meet them after His resurrection, and He kept the appointment.
Thomas, however, wasn't there! Where in the world was he? Suppose Jesus didn't come the second time, Thomas would have lived the rest of his life cynical or doubtful of the resurrection, all because of his disregard for punctuality. "God can meet me anywhere "or "If God has something for me, it will come to me" some people would say. Such people are ignorant of the scriptures; the Lord is organized and principled. Jesus never disappoints! Every service is an appointment with the Holy Spirit.

You must realize that you can actually receive something specific from God at every church meeting, something that will lift you up to the next level in your life. Every aspect of the service has its place and purpose, so be punctual and get the best always. God can give something that's supposed to be yours before you get there and it might be too late when you finally arrive. This year, tell yourself "I will not go to church late."This seems like a very small matter, but making this quality decision will stand you out from others by the end of the year.

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