Monday, February 20, 2017

Good Character – A Rewarding Asset!

Good character is the best insurance; crooks get trapped in their sinful lust (Proverbs 11: 6 MSG).

Imagine you got home one day and found one million dollars left at the corner of your house, and just the day before you had asked the Lord for money. But now, here you are, with a bag of one million dollars, probably abandoned by someone you don’t know. What would you do? I can imagine what a terrible difficulty some people may have, deciding what to do. “Do I take it and keep it, or do I alert the police? Do I hide it somewhere else?” These and some other thoughts may run through your mind.

Some won’t have any problem deciding what to do with it; they’d simply keep it. They may justify their action by saying ‘If God didn’t want me to have it, why then did He put it there?” Now, they’re holding God responsible.

It reminds me of my growing years. Back then, if you found something that didn’t belong to you, you took it to a repository called “Lost-and-found,” where it would be kept until the owner reclaimed it. It never crossed your mind to keep whatever you found that didn’t belong to you. It was part of your character. There were no questions as to whether or not to keep it; you knew exactly what to do! You either returned it or found some authority figure to give it to, who would do something about it.

So today, if you found a million dollars beside your house, the right thing to do is to get witnesses and take the money to the police. That’s good character. Now, having done that, don’t expect anyone to reward you, for nobody needs to reward you for character. It’s life itself that rewards good character, and when it does, it does it in a big way. So train yourself with good character, for it is a rewarding asset indeed

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