Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Meditation drives the Word into your spirit. It takes the Word from your mind into your spirit. In your mind, you can still reason out the Word of God; but when it gets to your spirit, it becomes real and personal to you. That Word may not have any scientific explanation, but you just know that it is reality, and there is nothing that can take it from you.

Also, it is important to understand that meditation is what gives you rhema. Rhema is the spoken Word of God. It is the “now” Word of God for your situation, and you receive it by meditating on the written Word, which is logos. Logos has the ability to produce results in you and to deliver an inheritance to you, but it will not make you enjoy your inheritance. The Word that changes things is rhema. With rhema, there is no condition in your body that cannot be changed.
Another powerful result of meditation is that it will make you the Word! This is God’s purpose for giving you His Word, so we would become the Word.
As you practice meditating consistently on God’s Word, you find that you will begin to think, talk, and act like God. Your whole life will become a reflection of the Word.
When this happens, it will be impossible for any sickness to remain in your body, because the Word would have permeated your entire body system and taken charge of your being. Understand that the Word has the divine energy to affect everything about your life including your physical body. Proverbs 4:22 says “For they (the Word) are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh”.

There may be a situation in your body that you desire a change; find some place where you can be alone and meditate on God’s Word. You may not feel like it; especially when your body is telling you something different, but do it. The Word is sure to prevail over that situation, and causes you to walk in victory always.

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