Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Mark 6: 31 - 44
This month bring in all the harvest, gather the fragments and let nothing be lost. Call forth the harvest and bring in all the Souls that have been won. This is also a month of Consolidation

Key points in Mark 6: 31 - 44 about the Seed and the Harvest

1. The Young lad saw the situation and brought what he had – five loaves and two fishes. Verse 38

No Seed is too small. Every Seed has the power to produce a harvest.

2.  Jesus received “the seed”, gave thanks and blessed it. Verse 41

Learn to give thanks. Our man of God has thought us to invoke the blessing on our Seeds and offerings, that it may multiply and become more than enough for what it was intended to accomplish.

3.  They gathered up the fragments and realized not only the miracle of feeding over 5,000 people but the harvest afterwards – 12 Baskets! – Verse 43.

Call in the harvest. Without this you may not realize what has come in.

This is one of the principles of Consolidation.

Consolidation - Definition

1. to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine

2. to discard the unused or unwanted items of and organize the remaining:

3. to make solid or firm; solidify; strengthen:

4. Military. to strengthen by rearranging the position of ground combat troops after a successful attack.

Consolidate all the gains from the beginning of this year, all the Seeds sown, all the Souls won, all the work put into that project and rejoice over them. Gather all the blessings! Haleluyah!

I am strengthened with the strength of God. I am Fruitful and Productive. I am effective. I am blessed. I am joyful everyday. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. My leaves are ever fresh. Everything I do prospers. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! Glory! Glory! Glory!

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